This year I am not working so much on the Cooktown Discovery Festival which took over my life for some 6 mths for the first part of last year. This time I am being paid to do marketing and promotion of the famous Laura Dance Festival which is a great thing to work on.....despite the fact I have never been to it!
The culturally rich landscape of Laura in Far North Queensland is the setting for one of Australia's most well-established and vibrant cultural festivals. Generally acknowledged as the celebration and showcase of the culture of the Aboriginal Communities of Cape York Peninsula, the Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival (LADF) is a unique event.
Only held every two years, the festival celebrates the traditional song, dance and culture of the Aboriginal people of Cape York Peninsula. The performance and practice of Aboriginal Dance & Culture at the Festival is an important element in the continuance of the unique culture of the region. The Festival allows the audience to experience the story telling and history of Aboriginal culture through dance, language and art primarily to ensure the integrity of the Festival’s vision. If you feel the urge come along and enjoy the fun....sit under a gum tree beside a river and watch the Aboriginal people from all over the cape come to together and dance!
see www.lauradancefestival.com
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